Portfolio Analysis Services
Our service includes the design and execution of investment strategies, risk/return requirements, diversification & asset allocation, portfolio risk & return, portfolio optimization and portfolio impact analysis, strategic repositioning of existing portfolios and performance benchmarking.
We help clients construct portfolios that provide the highest levels of return for any given level of risk, provide strategic guidance on steps to be taken to maximize risk-adjusted portfolio returns and assess portfolio implications of acquisitions and dispositions.
A portfolio analysis is a useful tool in evaluating how your hotel investment portfolio is performing in terms of rate of return and risk. It is accomplished by looking not only at how individual hotel investments perform but also how they perform together.
Our analysis can identify underperforming or excessively risky hotels and provide guidance as to where changes to investment allocations should be made to keep an investor on track to meet investment objectives. Although each individual hotel investor has his own goals in terms of performance, a routine analysis can be useful for any hotel portfolio regardless of its strategy
“Engaging Ross Woods to assist us in analyzing investment opportunities and evaluating portfolio performance and possibilities has been a valuable decision. Ross brings you beyond perceptions obtained from day to day performance and planning duties to see a bigger, broader view.
His insights into market cycles and their impact on asset and portfolio performance and outlook are unique. We will continue to engage Ross as we build our portfolio with additional acquisitions and to assist in our assessment of existing portfolios and assets.”